Ask that all the representatives of the world’s major religions and their organizations commit through effective ecumenical and interreligious activities to promote the respect for every religious belief, the peaceful coexistence, solidarity and peace among all peoples in mutual respect and fraternal collaboration also using the new social communication systems.

You are requested to sign the following text: Considering the methodical and constant contribution of the religious bodies as indispensable for promoting the respect for every religious belief,  the peaceful coexistence, brotherhood and peace through interreligious education and research of the common principles that can join peoples in each religion; 

                                                                       WE ASK 

to the representatives of the major world religions engaged in promoting brotherhood and peace among all peoples:

to celebrate, by mutual agreement, a world-day of interreligious cooperation as a special moment to launch joint proposals for civil coexistence and peace;

to include elements of interreligious education in religious ceremonies and rites to promote the respect for other religions;

to constantly highlight the common values of every religion at all levels;

to adopt a common prayer for peace to be spread among the believers and to be said in all the religious ceremonies and rites.