Requesting a net separation between investment banks or business banks and commercial or deposit banks and the reduction of the big banks’ maximum size, also asking to spread the basic principles of ethical finance, by promoting the knowledge and use of ethical banks and of ethically oriented ones. You are requested to sign the following text: Concerned about the continuing global financial crisis and convinced of the absolute urgency of opposing the finance-capitalism dominance through a radical and comprehensive reform of the financial system; Convinced of the need to fight against all forms of tax evasion and avoidance both at national and international level; Certain that today the growth of real economy cannot be separated by increasing compliance with the ethical finance principles; Convinced about the need that the capital of each citizen, whether large or small, must be defended from the attacks of speculation and that, at the same time, the ethics of its investment must be guaranteed;
to the Heads of State and Government, to the Heads of economic and social policies and to all relevant international organizations of the sector: – to enforce, through appropriate legislative measures, the separation between deposit banks and investment banks to include precise management and transparency constraints in all national and international financial transactions with financial reporting obligation; – to introduce the “narrow banking” applications in the credit system, i.e. a limited bank activity or limited operativeness and the reduction of financial institutions’ maximum size; – to support the creation and activation of an “International Institute of financial transactions control” that, through an “International Tax Registry” and under the UN management, prevents large tax evasion and avoidance, by applying, among the other things, a “Global Tobin Tax” to all countries; – to enforce the compliance, in bank operations, with clear and defined ethical principles to grant customers the highest transparency on investments and savings management pursuant to the Ethical Screening System; – to promote and support the knowledge, spread and use of ethical and of ethically oriented banks, and to make their use mandatory to public bodies.