Ask for appropriate standards dealing with the right to information and to transparency of public administration documents as well as to the traceability of national and international public financial transactions by encouraging audits in countries with high public debt, performed by independent and democratic bodies. You are requested to sign the following text: Considering that the right to information and transparency in the management of public affairs require complete access to all administrative documents, including acts related to economic and financial transactions of national and international public bodies; Considering that the current serious economic and financial crisis which is affecting many countries is also causing a high public debt, that can be decreased by requesting strict austerity plans; Assessed that the “audit” (the economic-financial revision and certification of the public debt), allows monitoring and making transparent the activities of both public and private bodies;

                                                                       WE ASK 

to the Heads of State and Government and to the Heads of international bodies and organizations of the sector to: – introduce and enforce new rules on transparency and the right to information allowing citizens to have free access to all documents of public administration including the traceability of financial flows through the obligation of public financial reporting in all countries; – promote “debt audit” procedures in the interested countries, by creating “Special Audit Committees” composed by experts, independent from the political and economic-financial power, to as- certain the debt legality, legitimacy and social sustainability and its possible eventual restructuring and to highlight, among other things, any social, political and institutional responsibility.