The presentation of the Common House of Peace Operators took place on November 5, 2019 at the Hall of Flags – European Parliament Office in Italy under the High Patronage of the European Parliament and of the Representative Office in Italy of the European Commission.
Matera City
Modica City
UN International University for Peace

The Institute for Corporate Governance – IGS, in the person of the President Prof. Paolo Moretti, has signed a “non-onerous patronage” with the Head – Coordinator of the Promoting Committee of the project “UNITED PEACERS- The World Community for a New Humanism”, and pledged to build “The Common House for Peacemakers” together.
To find out about IGS associates click here
Regione Marche


  1. Sezione del MFE di Ragusa
  2. Club Unesco di Latina
  3. Piazza Futura – Ragusa
  4. Umanesimo e Rinascimento 1138
  5. Associazione di Volontariato Cristiano – VOCRI
  6. Centro Yoga Ynsula
  7. Triskel Srl
  8. EffeDue Edizioni