Under the High Patronage of the European Parliament

with the patronage of the European Commission Representation in Italy

with the patronage of the City of Matera
Click here to discover all the patronages of the project
Presentation of the Common House of Peacemakers “UNITED PEACERS – THE WORLD COMMUNITY FOR A NEW HUMANISM”.
The aim of the project is to foster the collaboration of international peacemakers in order to better promote respect for fundamental rights as an essential prerequisite for peace.
The project, addressing individual peacemakers from all over the world and their associations, necessarily has the characteristics of non-partisanship, non-confessionalism and is free from partisan or systemic interests.
The President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, in granting the High Patronage of the European Institution, said among other things: “I find very interesting the idea of creating a Community of Peacemakers, in order to encourage both reflection and a more conceptual plan, both, more concretely, international coordination and cooperation “.
You can read the full message of President David Sassoli by clicking here:
Event Program

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Photo Courtesy of Jurek Kralkowski