The commitment entered into by the artists who are signatories to this Code is that of being peace makers in compliance with basic human and civil rights. To be a peace maker is to be the driving force for the aspirations and wishes of ‘world citizens’, both women and men, who undertake to act in the spirit of basic human and civil rights and who, as artists, are sincerely involved in the issues of our time, from the deprivations of underdevelopment to the prospects of consistent sustainable development, from the environmental and ecological conditions on our planet to a more equitable distribution of natural resources, from the epidemic ills suffered by so many human beings to discrimination of all kinds which exist today, from the contrast between civilisation and faiths to the threats of terrorism, guerrilla warfare and armed conflict, and who feel committed to bearing witness to the desire for peace, a specific community of interests, harmonious integration in an increasingly inter-ethnic, inter-religious and inter-cultural society. They state that they consider and experience Art in each of its forms and expressions as a universal, unifying language, an incomparable means of communicating and transmitting ethical values promoting peaceful coexistence, a harmonious relationship between human beings, nature and the environment around them, and the surmounting of any difference and disparity for a better quality of life.


The undersigned ___________________________________________undertakes, pursuant to this Code of Ethics, to: − bear witness through his/her artistic works to the values set out in this Code of Ethics; − play an active role in the “United Peacers – The world Community for a New Humanism” and to publicise it through each artistic work with ‘universal services for a new humanism and peace’.     − dedicate at least one artistic cultural initiative a year to awareness of basic human and civil rights.


The undersigned________________________________________________________ born in______________________date_______________________ residing in________________________________________________________ n°__________ CAP_______________City________________________________________________________State/Country________________________________________________________

Declares under its own responsibility:

  • to enjoy all civil and political rights
  • of not having committed criminal offenses
  • of not having committed crimes against property or incurred in bankruptcy
  • to be committed to respecting the fundamental rights of man and of peoples (according to the current UN conventions)
  • to feel the desire to participate and contribute to the construction of a New Humanism and Peace
  • to sign ethical protocols and related declarations of intent

