An electronic directory available on a special website giving a presentation on peacemakers (natural and legal persons) who are particularly committed to building a new humanism and peace, subdivided into sections and where possible linked together via hyperlinks. In order to be entered on the World Register of Peacemakers the peace maker needs to fulfil, by self-certification, the requirements set out in the attached Regulation, and sign a Code of Ethics and an associated Declaration of Intent.
– Art. 1 The ‘World Register of Peace Makers’ is hereby established with the aim of listing the names of persons (whether natural or legal) who either individually or by association have distinguished themselves by their continuous, methodical, exemplary and outstanding commitment to building a new humanism and peace.
– Art. 2 The purpose of the Register shall be to identify, give a presentation on, highlight and reward the commitment of Peace Makers by publicising and raising global awareness, through an electronic directory divided into five main sections, of their activities.
– Art. 3 The World Register of Peace Makers shall be divided into five sections: 1) Natural persons (presentation on individual citizens who are peace makers; hyperlink to the person’s own website, if one exists) 2) Non-profit-making legal persons (associations, bodies, not-for-profit organisations, introductory piece and hyperlink to any websites) 3) Local and Regional Authorities (presentations on Regions, Provinces and Municipalities committed to building a new humanism and peace) 4) Profit-making legal persons (presentations on, enterprises, entities, profit-making bodies certified ethical bodies committed to improving the quality of life and building a new humanism and peace) 5) Special section – Artists (presentation on artists who are peace makers; hyperlink to the artist’s website, if one exists).
– Art. 4 The task of establishing and managing the World Register of Peace Makers shall be entrusted to a specific secretariat which shall undertake methodical research during the year to identify peace makers to be put forward as candidates for entry in the World Register. External recommendations and cooperation may be used to better identify deserving individuals.
– Art. 5 A Council of the ‘World Register of Peace Makers’ is hereby established; it shall be composed of not more than 7 members and shall act as a Jury.
– Art. 6 The Council of the World Register of Peace Makers shall put forward the lists of candidates for entry in the Register. The decisions of the Jury, shall be taken by an absolute majority of members present and shall be final and unappealable. An appropriate statement of reasons shall be given for the entry of new members in the Register.
– Art. 7 All registered persons may describe themselves as ‘Peace Makers’. Persons entered in the World Register who distinguish themselves particularly for activities performed in building peace may, upon a final decision of the Jury, be awarded the title of “Peace Messenger” and/or “Peace Ambassador”.
– Art. 8 Entry in the World Register of Peace Makers shall be awarded annually and shall be deemed to be granted for an indefinite period. The Register Jury may discuss the removal from the register of a Peace Maker, Messenger or Ambassador whose behaviour is in conflict with the principles and motives upon which the Register is based.
– Art. 9 Since the Register is worldwide in nature, to the extent possible and upon the final decision of the Jury, persons representing all or the majority of States and peoples shall be entered on it.
– Art. 10 The World Register of Peace Makers, updated each year with new entries, shall be made public and shall be open for public consultation.
– Art. 11 The persons entered in the World Register of Peace Makers and the conferral of the honorary titles of ‘Peace Messenger’ and ‘Peace Ambassador’ shall be announced in an annual Ceremony.
– Art. 12 Entry in the World Register shall be free of charge. Those who wish to have a hyperlink to their own websites shall be asked to make a generous minimum donation commensurate with the type of website to be linked. Local and Regional Authorities and profit-making legal persons (Sections 3 and 4) shall also be required to make a generous minimum donation for a hyperlink to their websites.
– Art. 13 The general requirements, which are to be self-certified, for standing as a candidate for entry in the World Register shall be as follows. They shall: – enjoy all civil and political rights (*) – not have committed any criminal offence (*) – not have committed offences against property – be committed to complying with basic human and civil rights (in accordance with the UN Conventions in force) – express the desire to participate in and contribute to building a New Humanism and Peace – sign the Code of Ethics and the associated declarations of intent * Special attention will be paid to requests for registration from political refugees (who are officially recognised as such) and to people persecuted for their political beliefs (countries where basic rights are flagrantly violated).
– Art. 14 Local and Regional Authorities shall not be required to submit selfcertification.
Registrations are not yet active, but you can view the Ethical Protocols to be signed to access the Register, divided into the following categories.
Click on your category:
Non-profit-making legal persons
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