It should be remembered that human societies live together on a single spacecraft and, precisely for this reason, have and will have a common destiny. It is essential to have, today, an astronaut’s global vision of the planet earth. Planet that must be understood and lived as a spacecraft or as a large “condominium island” where the interest of each individual condominium must not conflict with the general interest for which at least a “WORLD CIVIL REGULATION must be adopted urgently COOPERATION ”managed by democratic supranational institutions whose draft, after approval, will be presented to the UN.

World Regulation for Civil Coexistence (draft)  

Observed that: the defense of peace appears today more and more as a constructive act, which must go beyond the prevention of war, although necessary, to remedy to a set of imbalances that affect the entire planet’ social and economic organization and its ecological situation by fostering international civil coexistence; Believing that: civil coexistence at national and international level is essential, urgent, and needs the respect of some basic rules by all countries of the world; (the States…) commit to adopt and implement the “WORLD REGULATION FOR CIVIL COEXISTENCE” reported in the text here below.

CHAPTER I Institutions and civil coexistence

Art. 1 – Collaborate at international level for implementing and refining a New Democratic Institutional Architecture (NDIA), starting from the “United Nations System” through a Multilateral International Treaty. 

Art.2 – Actively participate in projects regulated and coordinated by the UN, by its agencies for international solidarity and development cooperation and to the pursue of the “Millennium Targets” (Agenda 2030, Agenda Globale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile-Sustainable Developments Goals-SDGs). 

CHAPTER II Peace and civil coexistence 

Art. 1 – Reject war as a political strategy (except for reasons of defense against armed attacks) and any form of force and violence among states. 

Art. 2 – Adopt the system of talks to the bitter end, through negotiations, mediations, arbitrations and/or various forms of conciliation for overcoming all conflicts and keeping peace and international security as provided for in Chapter VI of the UN Charter. 

Art. 3 – Recognize, in case of serious violations of fundamental human rights, the non-validity of “absolute sovereignty” and “noninterference in the internal affairs” of states, by legitimizing the UN “Council for Security, Disarmament and Defence” (to become effective) to carry out peace-keeping and/or humanitarian actions. 

Art. 4 – Exclude the production and use of mass destruction weapons and promote a progressive international disarmament and conversion of weapons factories, by working with the “Council for Security, Disarmament and Defence” and with the UN “Agency for global disarmament” (to become effective).

Art. 5 – Reject all forms of terrorism and of direct or indirect support to violence, defamation and racism and support the right to security and peace for all nations.

CHAPTER III Economy and civil coexistence 

Art. 1 – Collaborate in the creation of an International Multilateral Treaty, which sets the principles and rules of a new economic and financial course, of a “New Ethical International Economy” (NEIE) in the light of the “Global Legal Standard”, principles already adopted by the OECD and of the UN “Global Compact”. 

Art. 2 – Support and spread the birth and work of Ethical Banks or ethically committed, at national and international level. 

Art. 3 – Implement as soon as possible, under the UN management a “Council for Economic and Social Security” provided with, among other things: – a “Supranational Rating Assessment Agency” – a “Supranational body for Libor establishment and control” – an “International Agency for Global Tobin tax management” – an “Agency for monetary emission control” – an “International Institute for financial transactions control” – a “Research centre for fair distribution of wealth” – a “Scientific Committee for Sustainable Development” 

Art. 4 – Urgently address the problem of unemployment at global level, in order to forbid the abuse of precarious work and to protect jobs and companies from all forms of unfair competition and other distortions of the labor market through the implementation and compliance with specific rules to be implemented through a “Universal Charter of Fundamental Rights of Labor” managed under the auspices of the UN. 

Art. 5 – Collaborate to liberalize the scientific and technological researches applications at global level, by making them accessible by all, for universal and humanitarian interest against all forms of monopoly and use not in compliance with fundamental human rights. 

CHAPTER IV Environment and civil coexistence 

Art. 1 – Prevent the indiscriminate exploitation of nature and the plundering of its resources by promoting sustainable development and use of alternative clean energy, by collaborating at international level to the prevention, protection and conservation of natural environment, in particular with the organizations belonging to the UN. 

Art. 2 – Take concrete initiatives to prevent and avoid the expected severe global crisis of the ecosystem and the related emergencies, in collaboration with the UN “Council for Security and Environmental Sustainability” and its “Scientific Committee for Environmental Security and Sustainability” that should become effective as soon as pos- sible, even using the most substantial economic resources not anymore destined to arms. 

Art.3 – Collaborate to the establishment and operation of an “International Criminal Court against the Environmental Crimes” under the UN auspices.

CHAPTER V Fundamental rights and civil coexistence 

Art. 1 – Impose respect for fundamental human rights everywhere by promoting their understanding and implementation through appropriate and specific legislative measures and also by fostering intercultural education to the management of feelings at all school levels. 

Art. 2 – Respect the legal principle according which the people’ sovereignty comes before that of states. 

Art. 3 – Adopt specific legislative measures to fight all forms of discrimination in favour of sex gender equality, equal opportunities and rights, by promoting appropriate and specific campaigns against all forms of violence, especially on women, elderly people and children. 

Art. 4 – Collaborate in the creation and functioning of an “International Supervisory Authority on Public and Private Information” democratically appointed and working under the UN management. 

Art. 5 – Collaborate to the creation and work of a “Supervisory authority for scientific and technological applications” under the UN management. 

Art. 6 – Effectively prevent and fight organized crime by resorting to international cooperation as established by the “United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime” and in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODC).

CHAPTER VI Adoption and ratification of the Regulations 

Art. 1 – Pursuant to articles 7-16 of the Vienna Convention, which regulate international agreements, the negotiation of these Regulations shall be performed by the plenipotentiary delegates of the States gathered in conference. The text will be adopted by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the representatives of the attending and voting States. 

Art. 2 – Each State shall comply with the Regulations by ratification, according to the different methods provided by each country. Being an open Regulations, it is also possible the subsequent participation by those states who have not participated in the negotiations. 

Art. 3 – The Regulations will enter into force after registration of its ratifications at the Secretary – General of the United Nations, pursuant to art. 102 of the UN Charter. 

CHAPTER VII Audits and sanctions 

Art. 1 – Each State undertakes to accept and support the audits carried out by democratic bodies (Independent Auditor Committees) that, under the UN management, must verify the compliance with the commitments undertaken by adopting these Regulations. Art. 2 – Each State acknowledges that the failure to comply with the undertaken commitments will be sanctioned according to the gravity of the infringements through: – economic sanctions, including the suspension of supports by international or supranational institutions; – progressive exclusion from international or supranational institutions; – embargoes of raw materials or technologies; – use of force for humanitarian reasons under the UN “Council for Security, Disarmament and Defence” management.